Source magazine is a photography magazine for up and coming photographers as a way of showcasing their work to a wider audience and getting their name out there. As a company Source allow institutes such as Universities to join them and have their work published online. For £33 each you and your course can be entered which includes a free years subscription to their quarterly magazine and your work published online. Each individual artist gets up to 8 images, a statement and contact info as a way of promoting yourself on an already successful platform where industry leading professionals have the chance to see your work.
As well as having your work published, Source provide you with three different selectors who will choose their favourite images from all submitted work which then can be published in their magazine. Each selector is an industry professional which is a great opportunity for us to get our work seen.
As a course we currently are not a registered institute, however recently it is something we have discussed as a class and so far 7 of us have decided we would like to sign up to Source. I think its an amazing opportunity even if nothing comes from it. Just the chance for people to see your work and potentially make contacts and get commissions from after University has finished is hugely beneficial and not to be missed out on.
