Due to the Covid-19 outbreak it has challenged the way in which we work, it has limited and restricted what we are capable of shooting. Having to find new methods of working due to these restrictions was initially quite hard so i began looking at some photographers that based their work around their own homes.
Here is a list of some of my favourites:
Uta Barth - And of time
Thomas Duffield - The whole house is shaking
Hiyahisa Tomiyasu - TTP 2018
Rosy Martin - Too close to home
Larry Sultan - Pictures from home
Seeing how others have addressed projects within their own homes gave me the inspiration to create new ideas and work in ways which I would never have before these restrictions were put in place. Whether it is taking pictures out of your window like Hiyahisa Tomiyasu or documenting your parents like Larry Sultan, their is still work out there to be created even if you're bound to just your home.