Accompanying our mock job application and CV writing we were asked to complete a mock interview based on the job role we specifically applied for. The interviews were originally to be given by the University Careers team as a face to face interview. Unfortunately due to the Covid-19 outbreak that wasn't a possibility as all face to face teaching was cancelled to help stop the spread of the virus. As many of our deadlines and assessments it was changed to an online format so we could still complete the assessment. This meant that the interviews would now be carried out over Skype. If anything it was more useful for me as its not something I have experienced before and in today's world its being used more and more as a format to carry out interviews.
In preparing for the interview we were advised to carry out research on the company in order to show the employer our knowledge of their business which in turn shows our interest in working for them. Another key bit of advise we were given is a few example questions that interviewers are likely to ask.
A few example questions could be:
Tell me about yourself?
What are your strengths?
What are your weaknesses?
Why should we employ you?
What accomplishments are you most proud of and why?
Describe a time something went wrong and how you dealt with it
Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
What motivates you?
Have you got any questions?
Having prepared answers for questions like these allows you to be more professional and confident while answering the questions. Most importantly I believe the last question of 'Have you got any questions?' to be one of the most important. By asking a question about the job role shows you've done your research and adds to you showing your interest in the job role and the company as well as showing initiative.